Book – Craft Psychology – English version – Coming soon

English version of Craft Psychology – How crafting promotes heath – Dr. Anne Kirketerp – 2024

The book serves as a foundational text in craft psychology for anyone interested in handicrafts, craftsmanship, and well-being, both professionally and personally. It explains why crafting is not only meaningful and enjoyable to engage in but also has a wide range of beneficial physical and psychological effects.

2. edition (2024) of the book has got a completely new chapter about Default Mode Network and how to design meaningful craft activities, which is important theory taught at our education. In addition, the models in the book have been upgraded, and new research and articles have been included. The theory is still the same, the book has just become broader and more thorough.

Available in three (Danish) formats; printed, audiobook and e-book, which you can buy at

English version of the book will be available soon. Stay updated on our social media platforms.

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English version of Craft Psychology – Coming soon.


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